大家好, 我是澳洲政府授权的婚礼证婚人MarriageCelebrant及太平绅士, 负责主持婚礼仪式, 办理结婚登记,签发结婚证书. 优于婚姻登记处的服务核心: 1. 婚礼当场签发结婚证书 2. 新郎和新娘任意选择婚礼地点和时间(周一至周日) 3. 提供婚礼场地 4. 婚礼场地进行装饰 5. 提供新娘的手捧花 6. 提供新娘的花抛球 7. 提供新娘的水晶项链 8. 提供新娘的水晶耳环 9. 婚礼
結婚 / 海外婚禮澳大利亚婚礼证婚人

☆創業首選☆尖沙咀高級美睫美甲中心 (可做美容或紋眉等半永久化妝服務) 《全頂讓》

屯門建泰街6号恆威工業中心B1座6字4室 电話預约 92001159 陸先生洽
C音樂 / 器材維修及出租Cindali Music Center

D'note chooses products from japan because they are more suited to the hair texture of asians.D'note also has a variety of products to suit the needs of different customers

電鼓、電子鼓、Cajon、木箱鼓、爵士鼓配件、ROLAND、V-Drum、代用配件、Single pedal、羅蘭、ROLAND配件、二手電子鼓、鼓、PDX8、PDX100、KD8、KD9、PD85、FD8、Medeli、Alesis、COOBOX、網面、CY8、CY5、CY12、CY13、CY15、VH11、TD4、TD6、TD9、TD11、TD12、TD15、TD20、TD25、TD30、TD
音樂 / 器材買賣電子鼓及木箱鼓店

位於天后水星街23號,瞬間直達天后港鐵站,提供開放式套房及兩房單位以供選擇 Located at 23 Mercury Street in Tin Hau, few minutes to Tin Hau MTR Station, offers Studio and 2-bedroom apartments

provide one stop motor services to customers including new and used car retailing; car insurance; motor financing, auspicious car plate number; repair & maintenance services; supply of car parts

As a professional trade media in Hong Kong, Global Sources Publications Ltd. has been promoting global trade between worldwide buyers & suppliers for over two decades by offering first-hand marke
G商業 / 會社、組織及團體Global Sources Publications Ltd.

汽車貿易公司,擁有市場上最大的汽車庫存供應量,並超過100 種汽車提供給您的選擇.

本店經營超過20年, 服務包括中西花籃 ,花束,花球, 月花擺設 , 風水植物 ,綱上訂花服務 .悼念花圈, 花籃,喪禮佈置及世界各地送花服務。
鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花格蘭花店 Grand Floral and Gift Shop

Full Service Hair Care: Men’s Haircut | $10,Children’s Haircut | $10, Women’s Haircut | $20.
S美容 / 髮型設計及護髮Salon Square髮型屋

FYP與功課之王 – 補習及救急專門店,為你一站式解決FYP或功課 Assignment 的問題與煩惱。 FYP與功課之王, FYP補習, FYP救急, 功課補習, 功課救急, Assignment補習, Assignment救急
F手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫FYP與功課之王 – 補習及救急專門店

The Hong Kong Sailing Federation (HKSF), formerly Hong Kong Yachting Association, is the national authority for the sport of sailing in Hong Kong. Founded as the Hong Kong Yacht Racing Federation in


J汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠JCAM Advanced Mobility Company Ltd
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